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Please update the sleep tracker and move away from “Restless” vs “Asleep” to focus more on “Light” vs “Deep” sleep. From your definition of “Restless” sleep and from what my tracker says, “Restless” really seems to represent a lighter sleep. This is still sleep, and is an important part of a person’s sleep cycle (a person cannot just be in deep sleep and unmoving all night, it is necessary to cycle). I don’t quite understand why restless (or light) sleep would not count towards a person’s overall sleep. The way your tracker is currently configured seems to create some panic in blogs, because people see that they have only slept 4 of 8h, for example, and assume that they have some kind of a sleeping disorder.
It would be more helpful to know whether we have slept 7-9 hours (including light and deep sleep), and whether we get around the 30-40% deep sleep that is suggested. I think this could be an easy integration, the Fitbit already has the movement and HR data necessary to decipher between the two, at least approximatively. In other words, something to help determine the quality of sleep would be excellent and make the Fitbit the best overall wellbeing tracker. If there was a way to integrate a smart alarm to make sure wakeup is during a light sleep cycle, that would be even better!
Moderator edit: labels and updated subject for clarity.
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In Thailand, Garmin fast sold their items because they have friendly language with Thai people. I like Fitbit brand more than Garmin but many times I have problem with who's calling or who're text or chat to me?
If it can be possible, please support this issue.
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide. I hope this issue can improve your sales & market share in Thailand
Warmest Regards, Khrin
Moderator Edit: Clarified subject
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Here is an opportunity for Fitbit project managers and developers to provide a greatly needed service to their device users, many of which would appreciate Fitbit’s assistance in managing their health.
Many of the users of Fitbit devices have real health issues and have to monitor different elements of their nutritional intake throughout the day. Other users have also voiced their desire to have a dynamically viewable recap of just where they stand at any point in the day.
Individuals with heart issues quite often need to be aware of their sodium intake or risk heart failure. And if truth be told, everyone else should be a little more aware of their sodium intake, as well.
Diabetics and pre-Diabetics need to keep abreast of their sugar intake throughout the day, not just at the day end. And for anyone wanting to lose a little, or even a lot, of weight should be watching their sugar intake, because what sugar cannot be used by muscles gets stored as fat.
Many people are literally afraid to eat out with friends or family sometimes because they are not positive about their current daily intake of a particular nutrient. Many spur-of-the-moment social opportunities are lost because they don’t know their current sodium or sugar totals for the day.
Why not, from the food log page of the Fitbit app have the Macronutrients icon be a touchable hotspot that would display this:
The data in the graphic represents my actual intake on 1/19/2018 with the exception of vitamin and other base elements, but all of the information is available for quick retrieval from the Fitbit servers. And to quote Fitbit, “Your data belongs to you!”
I personally would be quite happy if that is all that was done, and as a first release it would be great. But it would be totally feasible to incorporate other requests for allowing the entry of target values for many of the nutrients shown in the label above. Values such as Calories, Carbs, Protein and Sodium. A new column next to “% Daily Value” called “Your Target” or just “Target” could be added.
Thank you Fitbit for having the Custom Foods creation capability that allowed be to create a food that actually represents my booked food totals for 1/19/2018.
Moderator Edit : Labels
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Could you pleeeeeease pretty please make yoga count towards active minutes?? Yoga can be added to your exercise shortcuts, is offered on Fitbit Coach and has a Huge following on the community group Yoga! There has to be tons of goal oriented people like me that’s Love to see their active goals met by all the hard work they put in on the mat. I’d really appreciate it!!! Thanks for any consideration this could be given!
Moderator Edition: Format & Title
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I have a Fitbit Alta HR. I do several exercise activities that are not captured by Smart-track (trapeze, yoga, stationary bike, etc). When I go into the Fitbit app or dashboard to manually log these activities, the app helpfully calculates the approximate calorie burn for me. The problem is that it doesn't use the heart rate data that my device captured during that time.
For a 90 minute circus class, the heart rate data calculates that I burned close to 300 calories. When I try to manually log the exercise on my phone, it estimates a comically low 73 calories, completely ignoring the heart rate data. When I try to manually log the exercise as an activity on the website dashboard, it utilizes the heart rate data but doesn't consider it an exercise since it is being logged as an activity.
I would like the ability to retroactively log exercise that the Fitbit doesn't detect automatically, without losing the information about calories burned. I understand that for some users, the calories burned is not accurate, so the ability to override the heart rate data should be maintained. However, a user should have the option to leave the calories box blank and have that use the heart rate data instead. This will allow the heart rate, calories, and impact tabs to be accurate based on the data that the Fitbit has already collected during the specified time period.
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When receiving a call the vibration should continue for the duration of the alert ("ringing") on your phone, with the option to "silence" the notification by pressing the button, like the silent alarm function. In its current state, it's way too easy to miss an incoming call.
Moderator edit: labels.
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I like the layout of the new IOS app. I wish that when I switch days to look at previous days' data that I could have ALL the tiles still change to the previous day's information. Right now with the updated app only the daily goals change to the previous day's data and the calories in and calories out stay with today's current information. This is not helpful to me if I am trying to quickly see how I did yesterday which I definitely do sometimes.
Moderator edit: Updated title for clarity and labels.
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Android's Health Connect is an Android Developers app/SDK that allows health apps (already including Samsung Health, Withings Health Mate, Sleep by Android, and Google Fit) to privately and securely transfer and consolidate a user's health data in one place and between apps.
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If Versa is the competition for the Apple Watch then we definitely need more apps. And more functional apps. To be honest, I have no use for a lot of the apps that are available now. Please have more apps for the Versa. I’m sure there are a lot of suggestions from current users as to what apps they would like.
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The label "Female Health Tracking" is inaccurate, and the label "Menstrual Health Tracking" or something similar would be more appropriate. This is because not all females have periods and not everyone who has periods is female. Calling it "Female Health Tracking" erases the identity of and excludes people who are transgender by implying that mensuration is something that happens to only females and all females. Furthermore, using the word female instead of menstruation only reinforces the social stigma around periods. Many people are afraid to talk about mensuration openly, it is perceived as embarrassing, unclean, and should be hidden. By not using the direct words that describe this natural human function and masking them with more comfortable words like female, it just adds to the notion that periods are a taboo subject and should not be discussed in public. This label may seem like a small and insignificant detail. It is true that the function would be the same no matter what its called. However, a name can hold a lot of power. And the name "Female Health Tracking" is transgender-exclusive and contributes to a stigma around periods, which is why it should be changed to "Menstrual Health Tracking".
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Hello: I really want to buy the Fitbit ionic, I think it's great. I already have the Fitbit flex 2.
I won't buy the Ionic tho, until you've partnered with CIBC, I bank wIth CIBC, and once I can link and use my bank card with the Ionic, please let me know and I will head out to buy it 🙂
Moderator Edit: Added Labels + title
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I love looking to see what the next badge or milestone trophy I am working towards. Especially if I am close and I could make it happen within a couple of days. I like getting the badges and trophies. This used to be a feature a while ago and I just noticed that it wasn't there when I went looking for it this week when I clicked on the dashboard tile.
Moderator edit: added label
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At present periods lasting more than 10 days cannot be logged accurately. I have endometriosis. My periods are random and last a lot longer than that. I am on day 43 on this period for example. I can't use your tracker because it won't allow me to log more than 10 days if bleeding. please consider extending this to an unlimited amount so people outside the norm can use this service too.
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SOLVED! My Fitbit Charge 3 shows a disco ball every time I reach my daily goal (10.000 steps). My charge 2 had different celebration symbols, i.e fireworks and a star. It was so exciting to see what symbol came that day. This excitement is gone, there is only the disco ball in charge 3. Boring!
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Features to add:
- set a new alarm in the watch interface (instead of using phone everytime)
- delete the alarm in the watch interface
- countdown timer with hrs option ( currently just has max 60 min)
These features are really useful on a daily basis and I hope you guys understand.
Moderator Edit: Title for Clarity
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I would love it if my Fitbit could connect to my Google Assistant to help log items like food or water . Even if I'm home I'd love for Google to tell me it's time to move . I also would like the female health tracking to get a slight improvement. For instance , the app predicts the period , but if it's wrong I want to let it know and stop getting reminders that my period is almost done when in reality I'm not on my period. Check out my period calendar (the app with the flower on it and that's what the app is actually called) it allows the user to log that the prediction was incorrect then intuitively adjusts to predict actuals based on history.
Moderator edit: Clarified subject and Labels
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I would like to be able to customize what displays in the FitBit today stats, like add my sleep or weight info or remove distance or calories burned, and rearrange the order of the display. Everyone's health goals are different and the ability to see what I need or want to see is important to me.
Moderator edit: Clarified subject and Labels
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The Fitbit Sense and Versa 3 are the most expensive new devices and yet their colour options are terribly limited. The Sense only comes in Black and an odd Gold. Please add the Rose Gold colour back into the options, whether as a standard colour or a special/limited edition, and maybe silver, metallic blue, & metallic red for spice. Colours rock.
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Currently, if you receive a notification, the device vibrates but the screen does not turn on. Therefore, you have to flick your wrist or tap on the display to see what was received. This is inconvenient as usually if you receive a notification, you naturally want to see it immediately and either ignore it or reply to it.
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It appears many of us have zero or little interest in the new Community Feed, but a lot of interest in our Friends progress. As a result many find the need to now have to perform multiple taps every time the app is reopened to get to our Friends extremely annoying. Either please change the default to show Friends first (as it was previously) upon launching the app or provide the user with a setting option to allow us to choose which opens first.
Mod edit: added label
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When I put my Charge 3 on the charger it shows me the percentage. Let's say it's 74%, then I take my shower and am ready to put it back on. I take it off the charger and have no idea how much (if any) it has charged. So, I disconnect it and reconnect it so it will show the current charge again. Now I see 88% and know where I stand. I wish it would just show you the percentage charged when you remove it and save a step.
My Galaxy Wear watch does this and I like it. I take it off the charger and know what I am currently at.
Moderator edit: Labels
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Please, add Hebrew support to Ionic. This is made for Charge 3 already. Thanks.
Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label
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I love my fitbit flex but I would love to see and upgrade to include heart rate monitoring. I currently use a separate heart rate watch when working out to get a better accuracy for calories burned because when I do the insanity workout for 45 minutes the flex only says 6 minutes active but I know I am working very hard for the entire 45 minutes. Will this ever be an option?
Moderator Edit: Updated label
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New blood glucose measuring technology is rapidly advancing with more non-invasive methods looking likely to enter the market this year. As a Type 1 Diabetic it's a real pain (literally sometimes) to have to hurt my finger several times a day to get a glucose reading. One of the new methods of non-invasive glucose monitoring is using a laser to measure the amount of glucose in the blood. If Fitbit could somehow integrate similar technology into the wrist watches it could open up a significant revenue stream and also would help improve diabetic glucose monitoring. The benefits of this would be enormous for health departments, particularly in the UK where Diabetes is becoming more prevalent and people are suffering health issues due to poor diabetes management. Also add insulin reminders.
Moderator Edit: Added Labels and Word choice
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Now that Apple has proven the ability to add EKG to a main stream wearable it would be great if that were an option in future Fitbit watches. Those of us who love Android devices and keeping everything within the Fitbit app, would find great benefit to the addition of EKG sensors in future watches.
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I would like to get new excercise apps like indoorcycling and workout excercise which is not based on intervals. It would be really helpful to track individual workouts in gym or at home based on our own tempo, or based on apps with video excercises.
Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity & label
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I noticed when my versa is wet, it picks up water drops as finger input and does a lot of random stuff. I know the Apple Watch has a "wet mode" feature that locks the touch screen for this very reason. Would be nice.
Moderator Edit: Label
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Show the number of downloads and the possibility to add a ranking for an app in the appstore(s) - especially for the ionic where a lot of custom apps are available
Moderator edit: Updated subject for clarity.
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I think it should be able to tell you the temperature and the weather with an icon that could show a cloud or a sun or a rain drop depending on the weather. It would use ur phone and current location to get the data. I would buy a Fitbit for that feature alone. Moderator Edit: Edited labels.
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