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How about creating a tile on the dashboard reflecting an individual exercise type. So a 'Cycling' tile would show cumulative miles in the day, week (or rolling week) for cycling. The target would be user defined so ideal for those wanting to target, say 100 miles in a week.
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The charge 2 is able to display SMS contact name and detail information. However, when the name or content has Chinese or other non ASCII language, it failed to display anything.
Now, we have to choose to China or Taiwan location in order to see the "Simplifed Chinese" (I am very sorry it even can't support Traditional Chinese). However, this change will change the whole interface into Simplified Chinese.
Could you pleasee support Chinese and other Asian languages in English interface, too?
In short, please support UTF-8.
Moderator Edit: Added Labels/Title for Clarity
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I would love to be able to have the option of tracking the number of fruit and/or vegetable servings each day on my iOS app, in a way similar to the water intake. I log my meals on MFP, but I am more likely to work on increasing my intake to the recommended 5-9 servings a day if I have a simple place to review that metric as opposed to reviewing my full food log.
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Under Consideration
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Right now I believe Fitbit uses your height, age, and weight to calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) which is the calories you burn if you did absolutely nothing all day just by living and breathing and then adds calories burned due to steps/activity/heart rate to that.
Problem is calculating BMR with just height/weight/age BMR is a very poor way of calculating it. Of course for people who don't have body fat measurements, it's easy. But many of us including myself either manually enter in our calculated Body Fat, or they use the Fitbit Aria Scale which automatically calculates body fat and syncs to the dashboard.
I would like to see Body Fat implemented in the calorie burn estimations because I really feel this will help accurately measure my calorie burn (if for example I weight 250 lbs and have 15% body fat I will be burning way more calories per day by just living than someone weighing 250 lbs and having 30% body fat).
This can be simply done using a commonly used BMR equation that incorporates body fat. Obviously if someone hasn't enetered in their Body Fat measurements than it would default to the age/height/weight but please gives those of us with more detailed body info more accurate calorie burn! Moderator edit: Added labels.
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hello please add hunger symptom to female health tracker. Hunger is different from craving. For me, I don't crave anything in particular I just want to eat. I'm trying to pinpoint timelines and triggers and I believe this feature can help me do that.
Thank you
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Under Consideration
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Just got an Ace 2 for my son. The screen timeout is 2 seconds. No way to adjust. For little kids, that is way too fast of a screen timeout. It frustrates them. For little kids learning to tell time, 2 seconds is not long enough for them to see the screen. The screen should be illuminated at least 5 seconds before turning off. Considering returning the Ace 2 for this reason if the Garmin kids' band or other brand is more kid-friendly in that regard.
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Under Consideration
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Aria bone density/mass calculations and water content calculations.
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My little one has moved from a Casio Baby G to the Fitbit ACE 2. He really misses the weather. It would be great if a weather tile could be added to the ACE 2. It could...
Show an icon with the forecast (Sun, Partly Cloudy, Overcast, Rainy, Thunderstorms, etc)
When tapped would show Max, Min, Current Temp (at last Sync), and Update (trigger on demand Sync)
Would be updated on Sync.
Hope to see this soon. Would have been happy to code this myself but I understand there's no SDK available for the ACE 2. The sooner one is available the better :-). My LO is seriously disappointed by the lack of Apps for the device. It's super basic. The Xiaomi devices cost less and are feature full. Wasn't expecting the same however the Ace is completely barebones and doesn't create a good impression.
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Under Consideration
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Add RBS, Barclaycard, Capital One, MBNA and any other major UK banks or credit cards to fitbit pay
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Under Consideration
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Sometimes when you start losing weight, you create a small goal weight. Once you reach it, you add a new goal weight. It sucks when you create the new goal - and that overrides your last one. So instead of seeing ALL the progress made, you see the new one. I have lost 50 pounds and my Fitbit shows I've lost 5 because I created a new goal? People like to see their progress. Create a feature to show new goals or additional goals - don't get rid of a SUCCESSFUL goal because a person creates a new goal!
Moderator edit: Topic for clarification
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Under Consideration
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On dashboard; weight tile- Allow user to specify weight range for “maintain” goal. (Customizable min/max for maintaining weight) Right now, range is set at +/- 15 pounds...a 30 pound swing! I’d also like for the tile to shade green only when within range.
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I'd like to be able to choose body fat % rather than weight (currently have to choose between lose, maintain, or gain weight). I'm sure that there are others like me that don't have a lot of weight to lose, are building muscle and would rather have a body fat % goal. Frankly I could care less about my actual weight.
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Under Consideration
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The calorie tracker is great and I have used it quite a bit. A great option would be to switch to a carb counter. Having it use your current database of foods you would just need to add the carb count and it could track both. That would be awesome. I am sure quite a few of the folks in the fitbit community would use this option.
Thank you for listening
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When I amm adding the ingredients , it could help to be able to add a picture of the meal so I can reuse it in future if I am looking for a recept
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One thing another app had that was great was the ability to set a reminder after the three main meals of the day to record your food. This helps me stay on track. Thanks
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It would be great if Fitbit could also connect with the workout and coaching app, Aaptiv.
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It would be great, if there was a feature that allowed you to graphically align your cycle with your weight tracking.
Since my body tends to retain a lot of water, I would like to see in a chart exactly how much my weight is affected by my cycle and if there are certain days where I usually just weight more due to water retention.
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Under Consideration
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I wanted to first say how I love the new period tracker feature in the Fitbit app but wanted to send a suggestion to add to the list of "other events" since morning after pill is the only option loaded. I would love to see pregnant and miscarriage added to "other events".
I've been using this function of the app and was recently pregnant, there was no option to add that. I also had a miscarriage and am not able to document that. It's hard to have this track my cycle when it's missing important things to document like these.
Moderator edit: Subject for clarity and labels.
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Please support multiple weight goals. For instance:
goal 1: 190 lbs (good job, keep going)
goal 2: 180 lbs (great job)
final goal: 170 lbs (you made it!)
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When I open an open I’d like a swipe to allow navigation back vs using the button the left side.
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I try my best to be in the green before I go to bed every day
Green meaning
10000 Steps
5 Miles
2900 Calories burned (this may vary per person)
10 floors
67.6 oz water
(I don't track food intake)
I wish fitbit would assign a badge for meeting all these requirements every day and when I get my weekly report, I'll know how many times I got the badge during the past week, thus knowing how many times I met my goals.
Moderator Edit: Title for Clarity/Added Labels
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Under Consideration
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Currently, the Versa device has pre-programmed actions for swipe events. Swiping up shows the fitness dashboard, swiping down shows notification history, etc. It would be nice to be able to customize these actions. For example, a user could change the swipe up action to launch a different app (wallet, calendar, etc). Or, if they find the swipe down action for notifications redundant with the long press of the top right button, they could assign the swipe down from top action to launch a different function within the watch. This could be coordinated with another suggestion I had which was customization options for the hardware button actions (single vs double vs long press actions).
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It would be very nice to have the possibility to change the data provided in the Fitbit Simulator e.g. time, date, steps, etc., which could speed up the development and testing process of watchfaces. Furthermore it helps to create screenshots with custom data faster, so we don't have to set the custom data in code. Best regards, tzaeb
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Under Consideration
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I wish there would be a place to review the apps and clocks for the Ionic. I too was using the classic clock and got the error message of the k•pay error. If there would be reviews I would of known about it ahead of time and I most likely wouldn't of used it.
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Under Consideration
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It would be nice to have the capability of tracking two different weight loss goals at one time. One a long-term goal for ideal weight (down 40 pounds in four months) and one a short-term goal to easily stay motivated by chunking the larger goal into smaller, less intimidating goals (down 5 pounds in two weeks). Just a thought. Thanks!
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Hello all,
My wife and I would like to suggest the following feature concept.
Modify the water and food "icons" on the fitbit watches to be "tapable." (not sure that's a word) This would allow the following functionality:
Allow users to tap the water icon on the watch directly to "count" for a fitbit app preset # oz onces. The Oz per tap would be settable from the Fitbit app somewhere under the drink and food section.
For example, I would use the fitbit app under the water/food section to set my watch for 8oz of water per tap. Then when I drink a "glass" (8 oz) of water worth I could just scroll and tap the water icon on my watch once. If I drank a 16oz glass for example, I would tap twice. That amount would be added to my water total for the day.
User's could select another "unit" through the fitbit mobile app, say 2oz or 4oz for kids, etc.
The food/meal function would work similar. I could say tap the food/meal icon on my watch (preset it for say 200 calories per tap),then I would say eat a 800 calorie meal. I would just tap it 4 times. So if I'm in a hurry I don't have take time to hunt through my fitbit app looking for the meal item and logging it in my phone. I could just eat, tap, and go on the run.
They would not be exact but provide me easy logging of my water and meal intake.
Hope you take this into consideration as would be super useful to us at least.
Moderator edit: Subject for clarity
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Instead of concentrating on my weight, I concentrate on my BMI health status. Suggestion: Allow me to set and track a BMI goal so that I can concentrate on relative health rather than just weight. Alternate Solution: Add a "BMI goal to weight conversion tool" to set the equivalent weight goal. "A healthy BMI goal of X translates to a weight of Y for you given your personal conversion factors (age, sex, athletic body type, etc.)" Thank you for creating a great product that really motivates me to be healthier!
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The endless loop of "Switching" clock face is a regular issue Although the clock face appears fine on the watch the phone app can still say "switching" which can't be cancelled. ADD a CANCEL function, instead of "ok, I'll wait" and/or GIVE a reason why its not working.
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I would like to see the attachment for the band be like the way in which the Alta hr is attached. The pin on the inspire hr is difficult to manipulate and subject to breakage. Also the battery charging cord needs to be longer.
Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity
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As someone who eats a lot of different ethnic foods, I have been really struggling using the Fitbit calorie count on the app. Couldn’t you guys allow for people to input and save recipes that the app could count calories and macros for using your existing database? Also, as someone with a family history of high BP and other medical issues, I think that the option to count sodium intake, or fat types or vitamins would be awesome. Because right now I’m essentially using multiple apps to do these things and if Fitbit had it all that would really give the app an edge over competitors.
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